Meet Our Members

We have enjoyed membership here and consider everyone at Our Savior our family. Jesus tells us, “Love one another as I have loved you,” and Our Savior Lutheran makes it easy for us to do that.

Our Savior feeds our faith by offering many opportunities for growth. There are Sunday morning, Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, and small group Bible studies. We not only learn, but enjoy Christian fellowship at the same time.

The Fischers
Members since 1971

We love Our Savior because it has become our second home. Our children started here in Sunday School, the Preschool, Elementary and onto Confirmation. This church’s congregation is a fabulous, loving group of Christ-loving people.

The Rodriguez Family
Members since 1994

Our Savior Lutheran has been my second home since 2004. Attending PreK-8th grade here has been a joy! The staff has brought me to attend church service here because of their love and dedication towards the ministry our Lord. Walking into our church, you are filled with happiness and love because of the friendly Christ-loving environment! Teaching Sunday school here has been a blessing to me, because I am now enriching my students’ lives with our faith, just like how the Our Savior Lutheran staff enriched me!

Jared Khan-Bagley
Members since 2006

My children and I started coming to Our Savior Lutheran Church in  1990 off and on when my daughter was in the 3-yr-old program in the Pre-school. We decided to join Our Savior Lutheran Church permanently because of the welcome we received every time we came. Now Our Savior Lutheran is a part of our extended family and we are so grateful that it has become a part of our lives.

Members since 1994

We became members of Our Savior many years ago when our sons attended the preschool here.  At the time, John was not attending church and had not for many years. Glenda would attend various churches sporadically. So the preschool was an entry point for John and Glenda but that alone was not enough to join the church. We were also involved in Cub Scouts Pack 114, in fact, John was the Cub Master and Glenda was a den leader. Part of the scouting program is “Duty to God and country”.  We then started to attend regularly and eventually became members.

Why we joined is not really as important as why we stay. After all, it is easy to go from church to church and join one after another. We found the pastors and the congregation to be a friendly and welcoming group of individuals with a strong faith and foundation in Jesus Christ. Over the years, we have made many dear friends and now Our Savior is like our family. We have received much love and spiritual support at Our Savior. In return, we volunteer and help in various ways to support our family here at Our Savior while staying focus on the true reason, Jesus Christ. John believes that without the people here at Our Savior he would still be un-churched and weak in faith.

The Strang Family
Members since 1990

We were looking for a family oriented, small congregation as we were planning our wedding. One of our family members was part of the choir of Our Savior Lutheran Church and invited us to attend. It just took for us to attend to one service to know that this is where we wanted to worship God.  We felt in love with the church and their members, we can truly feel God’s presence here during every service. Needless to say, we got married here in 2010, baptized our first child in 2012 and are planning the baptism of our youngest son December 2015. Our family lives by the church mission “Serving Christ, Serving Others, Changing Lives.”

The Orta Family
Member since 2011

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    Would you like to share your story or testimony? We would LOVE to hear from you and your family!

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