A banker called in one of his customers to talk to him about his account. “YOUR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS ARE A MESS” he said to the man. “YOUR WIFE CONSTANTLY OVERDRAWS YOUR ACCOUNT. SHE MISSES CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. WHY DON’T YOU HAVE A TALK WITH HER?” The guy said, “Because I would much rather argue […]Read more
Luke 18:9-14 Pharisee and the Tax Collector A young college man went into a photography studio one day. He had a framed picture of his girlfriend and he wanted to have the picture duplicated. So, the picture had to be removed from the frame. The guy behind the counter removed the picture and noticed […]Read more
This guy at the post office was sorting the mail one morning like he did every other morning, and he came across a letter that was addressed simply TO GOD. He decided he might as well open it, and inside was a handwritten letter that read: Dear God, I don’t know where else to turn. […]Read more