Comfort and Joy

The Power of Christ

You can’t imagine the raw power that it takes to catapult an F/A 18 fighter that weighs 32,080 pounds off the deck of an aircraft carrier.  The plane goes from zero to 150 knots, that’s 170 miles an hour, in two seconds.  If you think that a catapult shot is impressive, think about the raw […]
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The Presence of Christ

Throughout our lives we face a number of dilemmas and difficult decisions. We want to do what is right.  We want to do what is God pleasing, but when we turn to him for help, guidance, direction do we hear only silence?  Or do we often overlook God’s presence in our midst?
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The Pardon of Christ

Ever been stuck in a wilderness?  We encounter many wildernesses in life–some financial, some job related, some family, some physical.  John the Baptist was a voice crying “In the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord.”  John’s role was to lead us to the One has experience with
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The Peace of Christ

The aftermath of Paris, the destruction of a Russian airliner, a shooting in Colorado Springs, these are nightly fare on television.  Do we live in a broken world?  The answer is obvious.  Is there brokenness in your life?  As a pastor, I continually hear confessions of broken families, broken bodies, broken
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