Pastor Kirk


The words spoken on Holy Thursday evening, the horrible events of that Friday, and the wonder and joy of the first Easter morning all have meaning for us.  They define who we are–the children of the Resurrection.  Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed.   Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, alleluia!  At
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The Passover of God

The Last Supper is set against the scene of the Passover–a celebration of freedom.  With His gift of himself–“This is my body.  This is my blood.”–the Lord has freed us from sin and death.   Luke tells us in the Gospel lesson that the events of this night are played out against
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The Stones Will Shout

There are detractors in every age, but as the Lord said, “If these were silent, even the stones will shout.”  The message of God’s grace will be proclaimed. Over the last few years our denomination’s suggested title for today has been the Sunday of the Passion and the reading is long, beginning
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Weep For Yourselves

There were two crowds that doleful Friday that we call Good. The one was apparently composed of supporters of the religious and political leadership. It was their voices that screamed “Crucify him. Crucify him.” There was another crowd, often overlooked that lined the Via Dolorosa, the way of sorrows, to mourn the
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