Pastor Glick

The Glorified Crucified One

John 12:12-19 12 The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,“Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” 14 Jesus found a young donkey and
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On That Day

Is your lamp full?  Are you ready to see Jesus? Matthew 25:1-13 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but […]
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Father’s Day

Sometimes we need to talk about dads! Dads should do as Matthew did as stated in Matthew 9:9 9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him. Dads, your mission field are those that […]
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